Lowongan Kerja Sekolah Tunas Mekar Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Sekolah Tunas Mekar Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja lampung Agustus 2015

Sekolah Tunas Mekar Indonesia adalah National Plus School in Bandar Lampung, saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja sebagai:

Front Desk Officer

1. Female maximum 25 years old
2. Senior High - DIII any discipline
3. Committed to education
4. Familiar with computer (Word, Excel, Power Point, and CorelDraw)
5. Love to learn new things

Please send your resume no more than two week.
Sekolah Tunas Mekar Indonesia
Jl. Arief Rahman Hakim No. 36, Bandar Lampung
No Telepon: 0721 708634
E-mail: info@sekolahtmi.org
Pengirim Budi Purnomo Adi
via Form Publish Jobs, 10 Aguatus 2015
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